

TEAM .332 920 226 305 60 10 4 172 397 154 166 .427 .432

Dunbar .476 42 7 20 4 2 0 17 28 10 10 .577 .667
Reeves .462 104 23 48 3 1 0 19 53 8 18 .500 .510
Hinthorne .460 63 19 29 7 1 0 13 38 5 2 .500 .603
Peleti .455 33 14 15 6 2 1 16 28 9 4 .571 .848
Safka .403 67 19 27 4 2 0 10 35 9 8 .474 .522
Vchulek .402 97 37 39 8 2 0 11 51 16 12 .487 .526
Fairchild .376 85 27 32 9 0 2 23 47 18 6 .485 .553
Salle .281 96 24 27 5 1 1 16 37 9 13 .343 .385
Burcham .260 73 15 19 8 0 1 21 30 23 13 .438 .411
Becker .246 65 12 16 3 0 0 12 19 22 17 .437 .292
Huff .242 66 7 16 6 1 0 12 24 8 20 .324 .364
Heller .239 46 13 11 1 0 0 6 12 14 10 .417 .261
Murphy .194 67 13 13 2 0 0 11 15 8 21 .280 .224
Helean .163 49 10 8 0 0 0 1 8 4 16 .226 .163


TEAM 3.33 219 893 212 139 81 0 93 142

1.39 .237

Fairchild 1.87 43.33 175 38 16 9 0 12 39

1.15 .217
Helean 2.85 47.33 187 48 23 15 0 20 24

1.44 .257
Peleti 4.26 6.34 25 6 3 3 0 3 5

1.42 .240
Salle 4.68 42.33 161 35 30 22 0 29 24

1.51 .217
Safka 5.40 28.33 124 34 27 17 0 6 19

1.41 .274
Burcham 5.68 19.00 92 30 27 12 0 9 5

2.05 .326

Dunbar - 8.00 26 1 2 0 0 9 7

1.25 .038
Reeves 0.77 11.67 46 8 2 1 0 2 8

0.86 .174
Hinthorne 2.25 4.00 15 3 1 1 0 1 4

1.00 .200
Becker 2.45 3.67 21 5 7 1 0 2 1

1.91 .238

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lucky Nine Wins Again with Nine Runs

Okay you baby boomers.  Go get your Beatles albums out, go to the White album, second record, side two, last song.  Play it backwards and you will hear Ringo chant "MBC will always win when they score nine runs".  I am not kidding you, its there.

MBC improved to 7-3 with ANOTHER come from behind 9-8 win over the Puget Sound Stars.  Three games this weekend, three one run games and two victories.  MBC is undefeated when they score nine runs, coincidence or 1968 Ringo prediction; you make the call.

John "we are behind you 80%" Peterson made the start and made it through four inning, getting into a little trouble in the fifth.  Chris Luttinen was splendid in relief and MBC's power arm Jake Hawken closed out the seventh.  In between MBC played adequate defense and benefited from a pure desire play in the fifth inning as Mitchell Smith raced "miles" across right field and made a superb catch just prior to running full bore into the fence, ala Pete Reisier, bouncing off the fence, but holding onto the catch.  Magical!

Offensively MBC went up 2-0 early with a walk to Mitchell, and RBI single from hot hitting Spencer Hogger (2-2, 2B, 3 RBI). Spencer later scored on an RBI single from Mr. Clutch, Ben Thomson (2-4).

MBC soon lost the lead and found themselves down 7-2 in the sixth.  A walk to Tino Peleti (4 walks, they would not pitch to him at all) started the ball rolling. The catcher then interfered with Stuart Fairchild's  swing and Jake Hawken singled to load the bases.  Campbell Queen hit an RBI single, Mitchell walked with the bases loaded and Spencer drove home two more with a booming double.  Mitchell scored to tie the game on Chris Luttinen's infield out.

The Stars walked Tino, again, to lead off the seventh.  Big mistake as Stuart Fairchild then hit a towering triple to the wall in center.  Stuart scored the final and BIG insurance run on Campbell Queen's second RBI hit in as many innings.

Jake Hawken came in throwing bb's in the seventh striking out two to seal the deal.

Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine........

1 comment:

  1. Referring to both The Beatles' White Album and Pete Reiser in the same post truly reveals Walt as a Renaissance Coach. I looked up Pete Reiser to see whether he would be a good role model for Mitchell. Here's what I learned:

    "Reiser gave great effort on every play in the field, and was therefore very injury-prone. He fractured his skull running into an outfield wall on one occasion (but still made the throw back to the infield), was temporarily paralyzed on another, and was taken off the field on a stretcher many times. Pete was once given his last rites in the ballpark."

    Mitch will stay on the health insurance plan. Good game MBC!
