

TEAM .332 920 226 305 60 10 4 172 397 154 166 .427 .432

Dunbar .476 42 7 20 4 2 0 17 28 10 10 .577 .667
Reeves .462 104 23 48 3 1 0 19 53 8 18 .500 .510
Hinthorne .460 63 19 29 7 1 0 13 38 5 2 .500 .603
Peleti .455 33 14 15 6 2 1 16 28 9 4 .571 .848
Safka .403 67 19 27 4 2 0 10 35 9 8 .474 .522
Vchulek .402 97 37 39 8 2 0 11 51 16 12 .487 .526
Fairchild .376 85 27 32 9 0 2 23 47 18 6 .485 .553
Salle .281 96 24 27 5 1 1 16 37 9 13 .343 .385
Burcham .260 73 15 19 8 0 1 21 30 23 13 .438 .411
Becker .246 65 12 16 3 0 0 12 19 22 17 .437 .292
Huff .242 66 7 16 6 1 0 12 24 8 20 .324 .364
Heller .239 46 13 11 1 0 0 6 12 14 10 .417 .261
Murphy .194 67 13 13 2 0 0 11 15 8 21 .280 .224
Helean .163 49 10 8 0 0 0 1 8 4 16 .226 .163


TEAM 3.33 219 893 212 139 81 0 93 142

1.39 .237

Fairchild 1.87 43.33 175 38 16 9 0 12 39

1.15 .217
Helean 2.85 47.33 187 48 23 15 0 20 24

1.44 .257
Peleti 4.26 6.34 25 6 3 3 0 3 5

1.42 .240
Salle 4.68 42.33 161 35 30 22 0 29 24

1.51 .217
Safka 5.40 28.33 124 34 27 17 0 6 19

1.41 .274
Burcham 5.68 19.00 92 30 27 12 0 9 5

2.05 .326

Dunbar - 8.00 26 1 2 0 0 9 7

1.25 .038
Reeves 0.77 11.67 46 8 2 1 0 2 8

0.86 .174
Hinthorne 2.25 4.00 15 3 1 1 0 1 4

1.00 .200
Becker 2.45 3.67 21 5 7 1 0 2 1

1.91 .238

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Preparation for Next Year Begins Now

As we begin to prepare for next year I was looking at poems for preparation and I came across a dandy. Ella Wheeler Wilcox never played pro ball, probably never threw a baseball or swung a bat. She was born in 1850 and died in October 1919 (probably unaware of the White Sox throwing the World Series that year) and is most famous for her poem Solitude which has the famous line

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.

Pretty heady stuff.

But her take on preparation is pretty good as well. Read the poem. It lets you know that you cannot rush preparation, preparation is necessary and vital and she makes a good case for good things come to those that wait (and get busy getting ready).

Preparation is vital to baseball. All the things that will make you ready to succeed in the bottom of the 7th (or 9th, as we get older) are things that one can prepare for now and give oneself a better chance to come through when the lights are on and in the words of Dave Niehous; It's game time!

Preparation, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

We must not force events, but rather make
The heart soil ready for their coming, as
The earth spreads carpets for the feet of Spring,
Or, with the strengthening tonic of the frost,
Prepares for Winter. Should a July noon
Burst suddenly upon a frozen world
Small joy would follow, even tho' that world
Were longing for the Summer. Should the sting
Of sharp December pierce the heart of June,
What death and devastation would ensue!

All things are planned. The most majestic sphere
That whirls through space is governed and controlled
By supreme law, as is the blade of grass
Which through the bursting bosom of the earth
Creeps up to kiss the light. Poor puny man
Alone doth strive and battle with the Force
Which rules all lives and worlds, and he alone
Demands effect before producing cause.

How vain the hope! We cannot harvest joy
Until we sow the seed, and God alone
Knows when that seed has ripened. Oft we stand
And watch the ground with anxious brooding eyes
Complaining of the slow unfruitful yield,
Not knowing that the shadow of ourselves
Keeps off the sunlight and delays result.

Sometimes our fierce impatience of desire
Doth like a sultry May force tender shoots
Of half-formed pleasures and unshaped events
To ripen prematurely, and we reap
But disappointment; or we rot the germs
With briny tears ere they have time to grow.

While stars are born and mighty planets die
And hissing comets scorch the brow of space
The Universe keeps its eternal calm.
Through patient preparation, year on year,
The earth endures the travail of the Spring
And Winter's desolation. So our souls
In grand submission to a higher law
Should move serene through all the ills of life,
Believing them masked joys.

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