

TEAM .332 920 226 305 60 10 4 172 397 154 166 .427 .432

Dunbar .476 42 7 20 4 2 0 17 28 10 10 .577 .667
Reeves .462 104 23 48 3 1 0 19 53 8 18 .500 .510
Hinthorne .460 63 19 29 7 1 0 13 38 5 2 .500 .603
Peleti .455 33 14 15 6 2 1 16 28 9 4 .571 .848
Safka .403 67 19 27 4 2 0 10 35 9 8 .474 .522
Vchulek .402 97 37 39 8 2 0 11 51 16 12 .487 .526
Fairchild .376 85 27 32 9 0 2 23 47 18 6 .485 .553
Salle .281 96 24 27 5 1 1 16 37 9 13 .343 .385
Burcham .260 73 15 19 8 0 1 21 30 23 13 .438 .411
Becker .246 65 12 16 3 0 0 12 19 22 17 .437 .292
Huff .242 66 7 16 6 1 0 12 24 8 20 .324 .364
Heller .239 46 13 11 1 0 0 6 12 14 10 .417 .261
Murphy .194 67 13 13 2 0 0 11 15 8 21 .280 .224
Helean .163 49 10 8 0 0 0 1 8 4 16 .226 .163


TEAM 3.33 219 893 212 139 81 0 93 142

1.39 .237

Fairchild 1.87 43.33 175 38 16 9 0 12 39

1.15 .217
Helean 2.85 47.33 187 48 23 15 0 20 24

1.44 .257
Peleti 4.26 6.34 25 6 3 3 0 3 5

1.42 .240
Salle 4.68 42.33 161 35 30 22 0 29 24

1.51 .217
Safka 5.40 28.33 124 34 27 17 0 6 19

1.41 .274
Burcham 5.68 19.00 92 30 27 12 0 9 5

2.05 .326

Dunbar - 8.00 26 1 2 0 0 9 7

1.25 .038
Reeves 0.77 11.67 46 8 2 1 0 2 8

0.86 .174
Hinthorne 2.25 4.00 15 3 1 1 0 1 4

1.00 .200
Becker 2.45 3.67 21 5 7 1 0 2 1

1.91 .238

Monday, July 18, 2011

Just the Threat of a Bunt Sends MBC Packing from Tournament

MBC lost a tight one 4-3 to end the tournament. MBC did qualify for the consolation game, but chose to drive home at a reasonable hour vs playing for 3rd and 4th and leaving Sumas at 11:30 PM.

Things started well for MBC. After giving the Bandits a run in the first, MBC came back in the second to tie the score. Quinn Burcham led off with a single and was followed by a single from Ethan Clements. Quinn scored on Russell Madche's double but that was all the runs MBC was able to score.

In the third, Adam Hinthorne led off with a single and the Bandit's walked Tino Peleti. Perhaps the two towering foul home run shots got to the pitcher, we can never know for sure. Quin singled to drive in Adam and was followed by a single by Ethan that scored Tino but a strong throw nipped Quinn (again) at the plate.

Nick Reeves led off the fourth with a walk and after Cole Burcham doubled MBC had men on second and thrid with one out. Alex Mitchell drove Nick home with a nice sac fly, but Cole, wanting to emulate his big brother, decided to try for third and a nice cut-off throw nailed him.

Ethan Clements pitched a fine game and brought MBC into the seventh nursing a one run lead. A lead off bunt (scary word) single put the tying run on board and when the second hitter squared to bunt, - well I just knew we were going to lose.

Coach Cougan was pretty sure that the flyer for this tournament said NO BUNTING ALLOWED, because you know as well as I do that we should never be in a game that allows bunting; but the tournament director just seemed to look the other way whenever teams bunted against us. And this sort of thing happened against us again and again.

I promise next year to ONLY enter tournaments that will enforce the no bunting rules and I am sure we will fare much better.

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